17 Mar 2008

TCE Website

I've just been asked to create a website for my fiancee's fathers catering business. I've got the first draft up on my server. It can be seen at www.thecafeexperience.com . I am going to be using HTML for the pages, but they will be saved as PHP files. This should give be a bit of flexibility, allowing me to include dynamic content, as well as logging visitors.

Her father has asked me to include his menus in the website. This gives me an excuse to play with XML. What I will do is store the menus as XML files and I can use PHP, with CSS formating ;-) to generate the web page.

Well heres a screeny showing the layout so far.


  1. Wouldn't you be be better off using an open source CMS instead of coding it all by hand?

  2. I Would only use a CMS if the content of the website changed frequently.

    This website will be static, the only thing likely to change are the menus. I'm doing them in XML and then formatting them in PHP, so that in itself is a mini CMS.

    I'm thinking of using a CMS with ukpinkpages.com
    when I get round to redesigning it.
